
News Page: 9

Significant Developments on Standards and Procedures

In a business where obsolescence management and critical systems support are core, it goes without saying that AT Engine Controls needs to continually work to achieve the highest possible standards and best-practice engineering. We also recognise that it is always possible to raise standards even higher which means that no matter how satisfied our clients,…

ATEC Customer Engagement Team expands again

Over the past 2 years, AT Engine Controls has been on a mission of Customer Engagement. It was back in 2015 that we recognised our focus on engineering excellence, together with our growth plans, would be better served with a more pro-active approach to developing strong, face-to-face relationships with our customers and markets. To begin…

The Apprentice (s) Update

November saw our very own Apprentices Ryan Leach and Josh Walters complete the first part of their apprenticeship which they embarked upon 3 years ago. Both were awarded their certificates by Gerry Lawrenson, Learning Development Officer with Alliance Learning. Well done! A shout out to the team here at ATEC who have helped both Apprentices…

ATEC’s new Sales Team reinforces our commitment to customer service

As part of our ongoing commitment to a customer-centred culture, AT Engine Controls have restructured our Business Development Team including taking on 2 new members of staff in key roles. Supported by Key Accounts Co-Ordinator, David Gould and Export & Despatch Clerk, Carol Booth, our new Key Account Manager, Lisa Boyle is focusing on building ever closer relationships with…

Obsolescence Management for process-critical systems

For users of engineered systems, it is important to get the best return on any investment and often keeping existing systems running efficiently beyond the OEM’s declared end-of-life can give significant cost savings and other efficiency benefits. Ultimately, any system will become too inefficient or too expensive to maintain. Obsolescence Management enables systems to keep

Why legacy is about the future, not just the past

The lifespan of an engineering system can be seen very differently from alternative standpoints. For the OEM, the focus is on continuing product development and new innovation. As older products are put to end-of-life, new upgrades and developments are launched. For the end-user on the other hand, investment needs to deliver the best return and…

Work Experience 2016 – Abraham Moss

ATEC once again welcomed work experience students from one of the local schools, this year it was Abraham Moss Community School. Abdiqani chose to work in Engineering as he has an interest in Engineering whilst Joseanth worked across a couple of different departments as his interests lie with international business and business more generally. Certificate of Participation Work experience…

Forever Manchester Birthday Party February 2018

ATEC once again took a selection of employees along to celebrate Forever Manchester’s birthday. This year’s event was, as ever, truly an unrivalled celebration of community. To celebrate another year of supporting community projects across Greater Manchester, Forever Manchester hosted their annual Birthday Party, kindly sponsored by Express Solicitors, which took place on Friday 9th February 2018…

IIP Awards 2016, and the winner is…..

Twas a very glitzy affair the IIP Awards of 2016 in which Investors in People celebrated its 25th year. On a very windy evening in London we arrived at Old Billingsgate to witness the glory of success for those organisations who went home with awards, in fact all those that entered and got through to…