Forever Manchester Birthday Party February 2018
Posted July 07, 2016

ATEC once again took a selection of employees along to celebrate Forever Manchester’s birthday. This year’s event was, as ever, truly an unrivalled celebration of community.
To celebrate another year of supporting community projects across Greater Manchester, Forever Manchester hosted their annual Birthday Party, kindly sponsored by Express Solicitors, which took place on Friday 9th February 2018 at The Principal Manchester in Manchester city centre.
The lucky employees came from the worthy winners and contributors of our Caketober event held in October and was judged by James Hampson from Forever Manchester.
The lucky 10, minus the photographer
Enjoying the photo booth
Forever Manchester is a charity that funds and supports community activity across Greater Manchester. Since 1989 Forever Manchester have delivered over £36 million into local communities benefiting 1.1million people. ATEC joined the Manchester million back in 2014 as a corporate supporter of the organization.
ATEC has always donated to charity we wanted to do something more local community based and Forever Manchester seemed like the perfect partner for us. We particularly liked their approach which “starts from a place of possibilities, strengths and capacities as opposed to problems and deficiencies. A strength based approach helps residents and organsiations to manage change by mobilizing their existing and potential capabilities, resource and assets, this is Charity the Mancunian Way“
Doing things differently around here...