
A progressive year for ATEC

Posted March 03, 2018

A progressive year for ATEC


Back in 2016, the ATEC management team took an important decision. We committed to bringing even more focus onto not only delivering the best quality services but also to commit to increasing external auditing and accreditation of our systems and procedures.


We began this process in earnest in January 2017 and since then we have seen continuing and consistent progress.


One of the first accreditations undertaken by ATEC in January 2017 was the Achilles Verify audit. The renewal assessment was completed exactly a year (to the day) later in January 2018 and we are pleased to report that not only did we again qualify for registration, we achieved 100% compliance. This is a significant advance on our average score of 87% in Jan 2017.


We are naturally proud of our 100% score as a confirmation and recognition of the hard work and efforts of the entire ATEC team over the past 12 months.

Enhanced AS9100 accreditation


As a significant service supplier to the aerospace sector, AS9100 is a critical quality management system for ATEC. Launched in 1999, ATEC  has been accredited to the standard for many years and we have recently acquired accreditation to the latest AS91009 Rev D. Introduced in 2016, Rev D enhances the 2009 standards of Rev C – for which ATEC also had certification.


Rev D aligns AS9100 with the latest ISO9001:2015 and includes every element of this standard plus additional key changes including:

  • More focus on Product Safety
  • Counterfeit Parts Prevention
  • Increased emphasis on risk management in operational processes

And there's more...





Achilles Verify is just the latest of a string of accreditations ATEC has achieved over the past year.


Our management systems now benefit from OHSAS 18001 health & safety certification while ISO 14001 demonstrates our commitment to the environment and working to ensure our day to day business practices have the least possible impact.


ATEC also recognises the essential and valuable role played by our team. Our commitment to promoting the development of all staff members has the prestigious Investors in People programme at its heart. Receipt of the award for the updated IIP Silver during 2017 was yet another milestone.


In 2018, cybersecurity has never been more important that it is today. the Government backed Cyber Essentials programme is designed to protect organisations against cyber attack.


Cyber Essentials helps to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate a commitment to cybersecurity. ATEC achieved the Cyber Essentials standard with flying colours.


We have already started working towards the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.

More than just certificates

While accreditations and certificates are a great recognition of our real focus on quality and service delivery, We need to make sure we also have the best tools and workspace to do our job.


The past year has also witnessed significant investment in our Wardley site. There has been major shopfloor development and the acquisition of new equipment. Together these enable us to extend and enhance our service offering.


There is no doubt that 2017 has been a milestone year for ATEC.


Our progress is also a statement to our existing/future customers (and our competitors!). ATEC is a forward-thinking and progressive business geared to deliver on into the next decade.